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Trial Management & LogisticsWatts & Guerra

Partner – Watts & Guerra

By October 11, 2016 No Comments


I want to take a moment to thank you for a job very well done. This trial was a lengthy fight against four different law firms and the respective armies amassed against. Because you were in trial with my law partner, we were forced to hire a video tech guy from Kentucky. Until I watched his work almost ruin our case, I must say I’ve always taken your excellence for granted.

When this video tech made his 15th mistake in six days of trial, almost causing a mistrial, the judge was at his wit’s end, and intimated from the bench that the next mistake would cause us a mistrial. I called you. You got on a plane, flew to Kentucky, and did an outstanding job.

Thank you so much for your service and your friendship.

PartnerWatts & Guerra