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Hogan Lovells LLPTrial Management & Logistics

Paralegal – Hogan Lovells

By November 8, 2019 No Comments

On behalf of myself and Nicole (trial paralegals), we would like to thank LCI for providing the best support and coordination that a trial team could ask for. Especially with the challenging conditions presented by the Wyndham Garden Norfolk Downtown. The horrible food, no air conditioning in the war-room, roaches, 1 working elevator, unreliable electricity, etc. etc. were all handling seamlessly by you, Joe, and Daniel. This helped us push through these “not ideal” conditions and offer our clients the best representation possible during the trial. We thank you all for your professionalism, resourcefulness and humor which kept us all in good spirits and moving toward our goals.

Top notch service and we very much appreciate it. Thanks again.

ParalegalHogan Lovells