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CNEX LabsTrial Management & Logistics

Vice President – CNEX Labs

Thank you for your very kind note of congratulations, Todd. It is so wonderful to receive it from you! I read your note now several times. I am so very glad our long corporate nightmare is over, and I relish receiving your congratulations. Thank you for thinking about us, and sending us this note. LCI was an essential element to CNEX’s victory in Sherman last week over Huawei-Futurewei and their overbearing attorneys.

Cindy, Brett, Ronnie, and Otis took such warm and amazing care of our CNEX family members during the three and one-half weeks we were in Sherman, Texas defending ourselves against the ravenous wolf that is Huawei-Futurewei. Talk about your bet the company, highly stressful, and epic litigation battle. It was all the more important, therefore, that our family members have their essential wants and needs met for them while in Sherman. As a direct recipient of the warmth, care, and consideration shown for us by Cindy, Brett, Ronnie, and Otis, I can tell you personally that I felt like I was getting picked up by my brother or sister each time one of the LCI team retrieved us at court each day. And, the food? Don’t get me started. Unbelievably delicious. The care, the consideration, the companionship on long drives, to/from the airport, to church, to Walmart, etc., nothing ever seemed to be an imposition. LCI and its Sherman trial team were fantastic.

Thank you very much for helping us to feel loved and not alone. It was incredibly stressful, and we were scared Huawei-Futurewei would succeed in stealing the company from our 140+ employees and all of our great shareholders who believe in us. You helped restore our bravery each day, and this was an essential element for our victory. God bless you all. I will remember your kindness always.

Vice PresidentCNEX Labs